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Clasping hands Our Values: On Accountability

January 31, 2022

In 2021 leaders in Institutional Integrity and Risk Management initiated a project to identify and promote shared principles. Campus consensus emerged around four principles: integrity, community, transparency, and accountability. This month’s focus is accountability.

Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz gets a flu shot on Polk Place on September 23, 2020, on the campus of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. The Ethics of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution

March 24, 2021

With so many Americans left to vaccinate, substantial distrust of the vaccine in many communities, and thousands of vaccines going to waste every day, how can we create policy to distribute vaccinations in an efficient and ethical manner? 

Picture of Frat Court at UNC-Chapel Hill Movement Raises Questions About Ethics of Fraternities and Sororities on Campus

November 30, 2020

Despite the long history and popularity of Greek life both at UNC and across the country, many students are calling for the abolition of Greek life in its entirety due to exclusion, sexual assault, and community safety during the COVID-19 pandemic, giving rise to the “Abolish Greek Life” movement.

Fake News Voting 101: The Ethics of Being Informed

October 29, 2020

With the rise of social media, the rapid decline in local newspaper coverage, the expansion of media echo chambers, and the rapid proliferation of “fake news”, the American people have been spoonfed a warped sense of reality through their news.

Polk Place The First Amendment and UNC’s Facilities Use Policy

September 30, 2020

You don’t need a college level political science class to know about the First Amendment. People are taught at a young age that freedom of speech is guaranteed.