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Lying about resumes graphic The Truth About Lying on Resumes

June 28, 2024

Searching for jobs and internships is already hard enough, but doing so in today’s market makes it extremely challenging. Would you boost your resume to get an edge?

parent handing key to child. Unpacking Legacy: A Moral Inquiry into College Admissions

May 17, 2024

Following the Supreme Court’s landmark decision to strike down affirmative action in college admissions via the Students for Fair Admissions v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC rulings, some have called for a reassessment of legacy admissions because the policy is similarly unmeritocratic.

woman sitting on a bed, surrounded by crumpled clothes, chin rested on hand pensively. Rethinking Clothing Consumption: Understanding the Human Cost of Fast Fashion

April 26, 2024

The power of our purchases and our choices is much more significant than we think. By becoming more conscious participants in all aspects of fashion, we can reduce the impact of our choices on garment workers and on the Earth.

illustration of 3 students protesting for free speech on the green lawn of a university. Challenges of Ethically Regulating Free Speech on College Campuses

March 28, 2024

A university or higher-education institution is inherently a setting where intellectual and ideological disagreement will occur – and should even be encouraged. The challenge is where and how do we draw the line.

Graphic illustration of two people surrounded by an hourglass, stack of books, grecian column, and a clipboard with text. From the Trenches to the Ivory Tower: A Public Defender’s Path to Policy in Higher Education

February 14, 2024

Explore the differences between law and policy and how they relate to higher education.