With fall semester well underway, it’s time to introduce the new and returning student interns who will be joining our Office this semester! Please welcome Georgia, Jimmy, Rinke and Sierra who are ready to research and write about all things Ethics and Policy in addition to planning a stellar Global Ethics Month coming up in October. If you have ethics and policy-based topics you’d like to hear about at UNC-Chapel Hill, let us know!

Georgia Roda-Moorhead
Georgia is a junior majoring in Public Policy and Spanish. She is most looking forward to Global Ethics Month this October. As an avid sports fan and enthusiastic public policy major, she loves discussing policy-based challenges, including athletics.

Jimmy Mullen
Jimmy is a senior from Raleigh, NC who is working towards a double major in Public Policy and Philosophy. He rejoined the Office of Ethics and Policy because he loves this University and feels an immense sense of enjoyment from exploring its policies and issues through an ethical lens.

Rinke Dingemans
Rinke is a junior from Leiden, The Netherlands, double majoring in Public Policy and Political Science with a minor in statistics. After working with the Office of Ethics and Policy over the summer, she chose to stay because she couldn’t wait to continue learning more about the policy making process at Carolina.

Sierra President
Sierra is a junior majoring in Journalism and Political Science. She was previously a Spring 2023 intern who is excited to return to the Office of Ethics and Policy because she’s looking forward to writing blog posts about ethical dilemmas in higher education and reworking important policies that impact the University as a whole.