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The Office of Ethics and Policy recently celebrated the last week of work for its Spring 2021 undergraduate interns. Our interns are critical to the Office’s mission and success.  We’re so excited for what comes next for this extraordinary group of young people.

Emily Elkas

Emily has been with the Office of Ethics and Policy for her entire second year at UNC. This summer, she will be a congressional intern on Capitol Hill working for the both the House and Senate. On the weekends, she plans to enjoy some time at the beach. While she has appreciated many virtual experiences working with the office this year, her favorite parts have been learning more about how university policies are made, developing relationships with the administration, and being able to explore different areas of policy.

Jenna Quistorff

Jenna is a graduating senior with majors in Economics and Public Policy and a minor in French. She has been with the Office of Ethics and Policy for one semester. In her time with the office, she particularly enjoyed compiling reports on Carolina Ethics Line statistics, writing a blog post on the ethics of COVID vaccine distribution, and helping with the University’s transition to a new policy database. This summer, Jenna is thrilled to be starting her career as an Analyst in public education research at Public Impact.

Nehali Watwe

Nehali is our longest-running intern and has been with the office for four semesters. This summer, she’ll be working at Keybridge, an economic policy consulting firm, in Washington, DC. She has loved everything about her experience working at Ethics and Policy, especially her recent work researching Codes of Conduct and how to implement one at UNC.  She has loved being able to work in so many different areas at the office and will miss it next year.

Rebecca Weisberger

Rebecca has been with the office for the last two semesters. This summer she is moving to Tel Aviv to work for a consulting firm that advises government organizations and NGOs about the needs to LGBTQ+ asylum seekers worldwide. Her favorite thing she was able to work on this year was writing independent blog posts, especially her first post on the University’s Facilities Use Policy, because it allowed her to conduct independent research and analyze ways policy could potentially be improved upon. She looks forward to continuing her work with the Office in the fall!

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