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The Policy Review Committee met on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.

Research Data Ownership Policy

Quinton Johnson, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research Compliance, presented the University’s new Research Data Ownership Policy. This policy formalizes the existing practices and procedures into a policy document for transparency and best practices. Having a written policy is also a good resource for working with potential funders and researchers to outline the University’s interest in maintaining University data.

Johnson also discussed Research’s efforts to develop a new off-boarding document to help faculty and the University properly manage research data when a faculty member leaves the University. The PRC recognized and discussed the importance of holistically thinking about managing risk and data as an enterprise, not just a single unit. Research will follow up with PRC representatives from the Office of Human Resources, Information Technology Services, and the College of Arts and Sciences for additional conversations about implementing this policy and developing additional safeguards for University data by working together.

Finance Procedure 1252.4: Procedure for P-Card Refresher Training

Rebecca Spanos, Travel and Payment Card Services Director, presented the University’s new Procedure for P-Card Refresher Training. Users are already required to complete initial training to get a P-card, but they must now complete refresher training every other year to stay current with current regulations and best practices.

The PRC debated the need to create this requirement in a procedure and concluded it was needed because there are tangible risks and consequences for P-Card holders who do not follow the rules for using P-Cards.

Administrative Updates

Ethics and Policy has moved to the University’s Governance Office and now reports to Vice Chancellor and General Counsel Charles Marshall.

Faculty Workload unit policies are going live on July 1, so Ethics and Policy is coordinating with PRC representatives about publishing those documents.

Shoshana Ellis, Policy Analyst, presented updates to the policy repository platform and training tools on the Ethics and Policy website to address frequently asked questions or problems.

Ethics and Policy has moved the July 2024 PRC Meeting to Thursday, July 25, 2024, from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. to avoid conflicting with the University’s Board of Trustees July 2024 meeting.

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