Policy Review Committee (PRC)
The University Policy Review Committee (PRC) includes individuals from units across campus known as Policy Liaisons. During its monthly meetings, the PRC discusses upcoming departmental and University policy changes. Liaisons also engage in professional learning opportunities related to policy on campus. The PRC is not an approval body for University policies, but instead serves as a group of individuals representing a variety of perspectives that provides feedback on potential policy changes and helps to communicate those changes out to the broader University community.
University Policy Review Committee
The University Policy Review Committee (PRC) ensures coordination between Units and brings expert review and feedback to policy documents to ensure their effectiveness and quality. The PRC serves two primary functions in supporting effective policy development and communication:
- Providing feedback to Issuing Officers on policy documents’ consistency, quality, and appropriateness of content and scope.
- Communicating, through a variety of channels, policy updates to stakeholders across campus.
The PRC does not have authority to approve or refuse approval of policy documents and does not make official findings or recommendations concerning University policy-making.
Establishment and Governance
The University PRC was established in 2017 by the University Policy Officer.
Chair – The Associate Director for the University Policy Office serves as the Chair of the PRC. The Chair has the following responsibilities:
- Scheduling monthly meetings
- Preparing and sending monthly agendas to members one week prior to the meeting
- Inviting guests and coordinating logistics
- Facilitating group discussions
- Providing follow-up feedback to presenters and/or Policy Liaisons, when appropriate
The PRC consists of approximately 35 individuals, with representatives from each administrative Unit and School (all units with a Vice Chancellor, Dean, or direct report to the Provost) who serve as Policy Liaisons.
The leadership of the following administrative Units and Schools appoints Policy Liaisons:
- Adams School of Dentistry
- Athletics Department
- College of Arts and Sciences
- Employee Forum*
- Eshelman School of Pharmacy
- Faculty Council*
- Finance and Operations
- Friday Center
- Gillings School of Global Public Health
- Human Resources and Equal Opportunity and Compliance
- Hussman School of Journalism and Media
- Information Technology Services
- Kenan-Flagler Business School
- Office of the Chancellor
- Office of Internal Audit
- Office of Scholarships & Student Aid
- Office of Undergraduate Admissions
- Office of University Counsel
- Office of the Provost
- Office of the Registrar
- School of Education
- School of Government
- School of Information and Library Science
- School of Law
- School of Medicine
- School of Nursing
- School of Social Work
- Student Affairs
- Student Government*
- Summer School
- The Graduate School
- University Communications
- University Development
- University Libraries
- Vice Chancellor for Research
*These entities are not required, but may choose, to appoint Policy Liaisons to the PRC.
Member Roles and Responsibilities
Policy Liaisons have the following responsibilities as members of the PRC:
- Participate in the drafting of Policies, Standards, and Procedures put forth by their Unit
- Communicate new/changed Policies, Standards, and Procedures affecting their Unit to the Unit more broadly
- Read all Executive Summaries provided by the PRC Chair prior to each PRC meeting
- Attend all PRC meetings, unless obligated to miss a meeting due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict, and provide constructive feedback to presenters during the meeting or during the review period preceding the monthly meeting
- Submit all proposed new University Policies created by their Unit to the University Policy Office
- Submit all current University Policies created by their Unit with proposed Material Substantive Revisions to the University Policy Office
The Policy Liaison is responsible for coordinating with the University Policy Office regarding the management of University Policies, Standards, and Procedures administered by the Policy Liaison’s Unit, including timing of changes, ensuring adequate review, incorporation of feedback, and maintenance of documents.
Designation of Alternate Liaisons
Policy Liaisons may designate one individual in their school or unit to serve as their Alternate and to represent them at PRC meetings when the Liaison is unable to attend. Liaisons should designate their Alternates, in writing, to the Chair of the PRC. The Chair will maintain a list of Liaisons and Alternates.
Meeting Frequency and Purpose
The PRC meets monthly, either virtually or in person. The format of the meeting is at the discretion of the Chair. The purpose of monthly PRC meetings is to engage in regular constructive conversation and collaboration regarding policy document revisions, the University’s electronic policy management system, and other focused topics related to proactive University policymaking.
Documentation of Meetings
The University Policy Office will post meeting agendas and summaries, if possible, on its website.
Effective Date: 3/18/2021
Revised Date: 3/18/2021
By 5:00 p.m.:
PRC Review and Comment Window opens |
PRC Meeting | Policy Enacted |
January 17 | January 18 | January 25 | January 26 |
February 7 | February 8 | February 15 | February 16 |
March 13 | March 14 | March 21 | March 22 |
April 10 | April 11 | April 18 | April 19 |
May 1 | May 2 | May 10 | May 13 |
June 12 | June 13 | June 20 | June 21 |
July 17 | July 18 | July 25 | July 26 |
August 7 | August 8 | August 15 | August 16 |
September 18 | September 19 | September 26 | September 27 |
October 9 | October 10 | October 17 | October 18 |
November 13 | November 14 | November 21 | November 22 |
December 4 | December 5 | December 12 | December 13 |
Meeting Dates | Materials |
December 14, 2023 | Agenda |
November 16, 2023 | Agenda |
October 19, 2023 | Agenda |
September 21, 2023 | Agenda |
August 17, 2023 | Meeting Cancelled |
July 20, 2023 | Agenda |
June 15, 2023 | Agenda |
May 25, 2023 | Agenda |
April 20, 2023 | Agenda |
March 23, 2023 | Agenda |
February 16, 2023 | Agenda |
January 19, 2023 | Agenda |
Meeting Dates | Materials |
December 16, 2021 | Agenda |
November 11, 2021 | Agenda |
October 14, 2021 | Agenda |
September 16, 2021 | Agenda |
August 19, 2021 | Agenda |
July 15, 2021 | Agenda |
June 17, 2021 | Agenda |
May 13, 2021 | No formal agenda – Training on new policy management system |
April 15, 2021 | No formal agenda – discussion of policy management system transition |
March 18, 2021 | Agenda |
February 18, 2021 | Agenda |
January 21, 2021 | Agenda |
Meeting Dates | Materials |
November 29, 2018 | Agenda and Minutes |
October 25, 2018 | Agenda and Minutes |
September 27, 2018 | Agenda and Minutes |
August 30, 2018 | Agenda and Minutes |
July 26, 2018 | Agenda and Minutes |
June 28, 2018 | Agenda and Minutes |
May 31, 2018 | Agenda |
April 26, 2018 | Meeting Cancelled |
March 29, 2018 | Agenda |
February 22, 2018 | Agenda and Minutes |
January 25, 2018 | Agenda and Minutes |
Meeting Dates | Materials |
November 30, 2017 | Agenda |
October 26, 2017 | Agenda |
September 28, 2017 | Agenda |
August 31, 2017 | Agenda |
July 27, 2017 | Agenda |
June 29, 2017 | Agenda |
April 27, 2017 | Agenda |
March 30, 2017 | Agenda |
February 23, 2017 | Agenda and Slides |
January 26, 2017 (Kick-Off Meeting) | Agenda |