Practicing Ethically During COVID-19: Social Work Challenges and Responses
The research challenges readers to rethink the ethical complexities of working during a pandemic and how it is creating positive and negative consequences by using social workers’ perspectives.
Categories: Publications
Ethical Challenges for Social Workers During COVID-19: A Global Perspective
Dr. Kim Strom, Director of the Office of Ethics and Policy, along with other researchers from the International Federation of Social Workers, recently published a report titled Ethical Challenges for Social Workers During COVID-19: A Global Perspective.
Categories: Publications
Associate Director Elected to ACUPA Board of Directors
The Office of Ethics and Policy’s Associate Director Jen DeNeal was recently elected to the Board of Directors for the Association of College and University Policy Administrators (ACUPA).
Categories: General News
Campus Policy Highlight: Whistleblower Policy
The purpose of this policy is to encourage individuals to report possible Wrongful Conduct to an appropriate authority so that prompt, corrective action can be taken by the University and to protect reporting individuals from any Retaliation for reporting Wrongful Conduct.
Categories: Policy Highlight
Campus Policy Updates: Carolina’s Roadmap for Fall 2020
Chancellor Kevin Guskiewicz announced the university’s plan for the fall 2020 semester on May 21. Citing experts’ prediction of a second wave of COVID-19 in late fall or early winter, classes will begin on August 10 and end November 24.
Categories: Policy Updates