The University Policy Review Committee (PRC) met virtually on September 16, 2021 and discussed several policy updates.
Travel Policy Decommissions and Finance Form Updates
Christine Shia, Communications Manager, shared that several travel policies are being decommissioned with the rollout of the Concur system. Finance is decommissioning policies that no longer align with the new system and has created new policies to better reflect how expenses now work at UNC-CH. PRC members provided feedback on the decommissioning and asked for more detailed information about how per diem rules and regulations work with Concur. Shia also briefed the PRC on the transition of the University Finance Forms from the policy repository to the University Finance website. She noted that a table of contents document exists in the policy repository to direct users to the correct pages.
Team Dynamix/Policy Management System Updates
Matthew Teal, University Policy Analyst, presented updates about the University’s new electronic policy repository by vendor Team Dynamix (TDX). He informed PRC members that he and others are working on finishing approval workflows in TDX and provided a demonstration of the ticketing workflow system. PRC members were very impressed with the amount of work that has gone into creating the behind-the-scenes processes in TDX. Teal hopes that, with some additional testing, the approval workflows will be ready for widespread use in a few weeks.