Meeting Recap
The University Policy Review Committee (PRC) met virtually on January 12, 2021 and discussed several policy updates.
Quinton Johnson, University Export Control Officer, updated the committee on a series of revisions to the University’s Policy on Export Controls. He noted that the policy has been streamlined and updated to reflect current federal regulations. The PRC discussed the intersection of export controls and foreign influence with regard to a broad range of University departments and schools. Additionally, the committee discussed how the export control office plans to interact with individuals conducting University business abroad. Johnson highlighted the importance of following all pertinent export control regulations, pointing out that consequences for non-compliance can be institutional as well as individual, up to and including prison time. He stressed the importance of the University protecting its people as they conduct their transactions.
The PRC reviewed the decommissioning of the University Policy on Classified Research. The policy is being decommissioned because UNC-Chapel Hill does not conduct Classified Research, per the Federal Government’s definitions.
Yiwen Wang, Financial Accounting Manager, presented updates to Policy 205 – ConnectCarolina Chartfield Source Establishment and it’s associated procedures (205.2, 205.3). According to Wang, these policy documents have been updated to reflect terminology changes in Connect Carolina. She noted that the main processes have not changed, but that the policies were largely being updated for clarity.
Jen DeNeal, Associate Director for Ethics and Policy, presented updates to the University Policy Framework, Standard on Policies, and Procedure for Policy Management. Most of the updates were technical and non-substantive in nature. DeNeal pointed to the decrease in the PRC review period from two weeks to one week as the major substantive change. Based on feedback from the PRC, DeNeal agreed to update the definition of “sensitive policies” in the Policy Framework to include the Tier classification system found in current IT policy.
Matthew Teal, University Policy Analyst, provided the committee with an update on the transition to a new University Policy Management System. Teal stated that the new system will likely have a soft launch in the spring to allow for final configuration prior to a formal launch a few weeks later. He asked all Policy Liaisons to begin identifying all of the policy links on their respective organizational websites as those links will need to be updated when the new system launches.
Who is on the PRC?
Members of the PRC represent schools and units from across campus and are appointed by their respective school/unit leaders.
When is the next meeting?
The PRC will meet again on February 18 at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom.